Taras Shamba
Abkhaz and Russian public figure, Doctor of Law (1985), vice-rector of the Russian State Trade and Economic University (2002-2008), co-chairman of the Russian Congress of Peoples of the Caucasus. It has informal lifelong title of "People's President of Abkhazia, July 29, 1938, Sukhum In 1963 Taras Shamba graduated from the law faculty of Moscow State University (MSU). His professional life began as investigator in Sukhum, also worked as an instructor of the Abkhazian Regional Committee of the Communist Party. In 1971 he graduated from the Higher Party School of the Central Committee, in 1975 - Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. In 1975 he defended his thesis in 1985 - a doctor. Since 1987 - Professor of the Central Committee of GA. An expert in the theory and practice of the state, democracy and the rule of law, national-state structure and business law, author of over 300 publications on these topics. Author of more than 75 books and articles, the developer of the draft Constitution of the Republic of Abkhazia, the initiator of the first nationwide alternative presidential elections in the Republic of Abkhazia. From November 2002 to July 2008 - the first vice-rector of the Russian State Trade and Economic University (RGTEU) 2008 - Advisor to the Rector RGTEU. Honorary Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Honoured Lawyer of the Russian Federation. Notary of the Moscow City Chamber of Notaries [2], the owner of a private notary office. Taras Shamba is a full member (academician) of the eight public academies, including the International Academy of Informatization, International French Platonic Academy of Sciences and Arts, Adygei International Academy of Sciences, the International Academy of Spiritual Unity of the peoples of the world and others.
Почетный адвокат РФ. Заслуженный юрист РФ. Нотариус Московской городской палаты нотариусов[2], владелец собственной нотариальной конторы.
Тарас Шамба является действительным членом (академиком) восьми общественных академий, в том числе Международной академии информатизации, Международной французской платоновской академии наук и искусства, Адыгейской международной академии наук, Международной академии духовного единства народов мира и других.